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Get Connected: Some Literary CIOs!

Shakespeare on the Lawn

Contact Elizabeth Ballou- epb3xw

"Shakespeare on the Lawn (SotL) is a student-run theatre troupe at the University of Virginia.

Since its founding in 1995, SotL has provided free, quality theatre to the University and Charlottesville community through numerous plays produced each year on and around the University grounds."

Write Club

Contact Natcher Pruitt- tnp5fe

Write Club is a creative writing support group that meets every week on Sundays (generally 4:00 p.m. in New Cabell 407). We welcome everybody with an interest in creative writing, regardless of major. Weekly meetings feature a writing prompt, which we discuss and share, and we also talk about writing projects members are working on. In addition to our prompt-based meetings, we also organize writing workshop groups once a semester. These groups are smaller, typically around 3-4 students. Anybody who wants to join is welcome to do so!

Virginia Literary Review

Contact Tanner Pruit- tpr3gy

The Virginia Literary Review is a CIO dedicated to showcasing the best undergraduate poetry and prose at the University. All of the submission guidelines can be found at our website: .

Inkstone Literary Magazine


In several Asian cultures, the inkstone symbolizes the beginning of creativity. The artist meditates on what to create and once the ink is made, it is used in combination with paper and brush to bring forth literature, art and other works. All cultures have used some form of this method to express their views of the world. Similarly, Inkstone aims to grind out the meaning of Asian American identity and culture through creative expression.

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Contact Sally Hansen, (swh5nz) with a description and contact information!

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