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Movie Night

Friday, Jan 29th, 8pm, Maury 104

Come join us in Minor 125 for games, snacks, and a showing of "Dear White People," a "sly, provocative satire of race relations in the age of Obama" that follows a group of African American students as they navigate life at a predominantly white university (Rotten Tomatos).

First Main Meeting: Winter Read, Between the World and Me

Monday, Feb 1st, 6-7:15pm, 2nd floor Bryan Faculty Lounge

Welcome back!! After department announcements, updates, and snacks, we’ll hear flash seminars from Professors Levenson, Wallace, and Woolfork on Ta-Nehisi Coates' Between the World and Me, a short and incredibly powerful novel:


"Americans have built an empire on the idea of 'race,' a falsehood that damages us all but falls most heavily on the bodies of black women and men...What is it like to inhabit a black body and find a way to live within it? And how can we all honestly reckon with this fraught history and free ourselves from its burden? Between the World and Me is Ta-Nehisi Coates' attempt to answer these questions."

February Main Meeting: A Library Hearing

Monday, Feb 29th, 6-7:15, 2nd floor Bryan Faculty Lounge

Have you heard? Alderman Library is being renovated, big time! And lots of big questions face the leaders of the project as they reset the space to fit a top academic and researching community. Where will the books go during the renovations, and can they be accesible? To what extent should the books be digitized, if the process damages the physical copies? How much space should be devoted to group study areas? Come be a voice in an important development project at UVA!

Meet a Mentor!

Wednesday, March 15th, 5-8pm, Bryan Faculty Lounge

Need advice? Contemplating a major in English? Come meet our beautiful mentors, upperclassmen full of seasoned experience and sage advice, and discuss your future life over cookies and tea. Stop by for ten minutes, stay for two hours- we can help you out with course selection, major decisions, ways to prepare for grad programs or Distinguished Major Theses, etc.

March Main Meeting: Featuring One Less at UVA

Monday, March 21st, 6-7:15


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